For the unversed, head tingling is also known as paresthesia, where you may feel pins and needles in your head. While it is completely okay to have head tingling once or twice, you should definitely see a doctor when you believe that the frequency of episodes has increased. Varied factors can be related to this, like injury to nerves, sitting in the same position for a long time, restricted blood flow to a part of the head, vitamin deficiency, and medication side effects. In some cases, head tingling has been associated with radiation therapy and sinus infection.
Factors that can cause paresthesia
People with specific health conditions may suffer from paresthesia more than others. The list includes diabetes, transient ischemic attacks, anxiety attacks, carpal tunnel syndrome, and atherosclerosis. In many patients, paresthesia has been associated with migraines, hypothyroidism, sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Most conditions mentioned here have one thing in common – these either impact the nerves, or the flow of blood. Paresthesia has been associated with many types of anxiety disorders.
When to see a doctor?
Like we mentioned, if you have an unexpected head tingling sensation, you probably have nothing to worry about. However, check with a doctor if the sessions become too frequent, or you see a change in the severity of your condition. You may also find that your paresthesia sessions are more intense with every episode. Checking with a doctor is also recommended when your episodes last longer than expected, or you have too many frequent headaches.
Things to know
To know what probably is causing paresthesia, your doctor may recommend a wide range of lab tests and MRIs. Electroencephalography is also often recommended, and depending on the severity of the symptom, a nerve biopsy may be required. Remember that paresthesia is likely to be a symptom, rather than cause, so don’t expect it to go away, especially if you have too many headaches in a short span, or suffer from head tinging now and then. A doctor will decide on the course of the treatment, only when a detailed diagnosis is done. Do not try to rely on self-medication for treating frequent paresthesia sessions.
Final word
The good news is most causes or factors of paresthesia can be managed. All you need is the right headache expert. Make sure that you ask for medical help in time, instead of waiting for the symptoms to worsen.