
What Are Dental Sealants: A Simple Way to Protect Your Teeth in Livermore

Dental Sealants Recovery

Preventive dental care can help you maintain teeth for the rest of your life because oral health is important to general well-being. Dental sealants are a fast and easy cavity prevention method among many others. This treatment is a great preventative option for residents of Livermore—especially kids and those more prone to tooth cavities. In this article, we are going to cover what dental sealants are and how they work, as well as why they can be a great supplement for oral hygiene as advised by a Livermore dentist.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are narrow, plastic to the chewing surfaces of back teeth (molars and premolars). They also have pronounced grooves and fissures, which can trap food particles and bacteria more easily and cause them to cavities. These areas can be hard to clean even with good brushing and flossing.

By blocking these grooves with sealants, you can reduce the risk of those cavities by not allowing plaque or food to settle into that area. They are transparent/ clear or tooth-colored, therefore invisible and aesthetically pleasing.

The Steps Involved with Getting Dental Sealants

Getting dental sealants is a quick, pain-free, and non-invasive procedure that can usually be done in one office visit.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Cleaning: The dentist starts by cleaning the teeth to clear out any plaque and debris.
  • Roughening the Surface: The surface of the chewing tooth is slightly sanded with an etching gel to ensure that the sealant can adhere properly.
  • Sealing the Tooth: The sealant is a liquid that is painted into the grooves of the tooth.
  • Sealant Curing: The sealant is set to the hard state by a special light. This ensures that the sealant remains locked in and provides a solid protective layer.

Dental sealants can last for years if properly maintained and with regular dental checkups upon application. They will be checked on during normal visits and reapplied as needed by your dentist.

When Are Dental Sealants Recommended?

Dental sealants are helpful for people of all ages, but their most common use is on children and teens. That’s because the permanent molars that have just come through are at a particularly high risk of decay. Parents can have sealants placed on their child rent teeth during the cavity high-risk years.

Dental sealants can also be used for adults who have healthy molars (teeth with no filling or decay) in Livermore. Undoubtedly, a cavity is an inexpensive way to prevent cavities to protect your smile from cavities and remain healthy.

Dental sealants are a great first line of defense against cavities, but they do not replace good oral hygiene. However, to maintain your oral health you should still brush two times a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss regularly, and get regular checkups and cleanings from your Livermore dentist.

Keeping away from sweet snacks, as well as having a balanced diet plan can even decrease the probability of dental caries. Mention to your dentist during checkups if you have sealants, so they can be evaluated for integrity for continued effectiveness.

Dental sealants, when used as a preventive tool, provide significant protection from cavities and preserve your overall oral health. Sealants are quick and easy for kids who just got those first permanent molars, or adults seeking to keep their smile bright. If you are interested in receiving dental sealants in Livermore, please speak with your local dentist to see if this is a treatment option for you. Preventive measures taken today also offer you a lifetime of healthy smiles from pain and expense in the future.

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