
Plastic Toothbrush or Bamboo Toothbrush: Which One is Better?

A key part of your everyday routine is personal hygiene. Furthermore, you probably do not think about your toothbrush type every day because you have so much to do in your daily life. However, since more people in Dedham are looking for ways to begin living sustainably, you might not be too far off from inquiring about alternatives to the conventional plastic toothbrush.

It is likely that you have seen ads for bamboo toothbrushes on TV or social media, particularly ones that advertise using powdered activated charcoal, which is currently a popular brushing technique. Having said that, how much better are these substitutes for the popular plastic toothbrushes? Visit a dentist in Dedham, MA, if you have dental issues that do not go away with regular brushing.

Which one should you go for: Bamboo toothbrush or Plastic toothbrush?

Advantages of using Bamboo Toothbrush

Bamboo toothbrushes are becoming popular as a more environmentally friendly option than conventional plastic toothbrushes. Among their numerous benefits are their biodegradability, environmental friendliness, and softness on our teeth and gums.

One kind of grass that decomposes organically is bamboo. Therefore, you can chop your bamboo toothbrush into little pieces and compost it when you decide that you want to replace it. You may also get rid of your used brush in a sustainable way by using a recycler or garbage segregator/picker if you do not have a compost pile at home.

They also do not harm our teeth, which is a huge plus. Bamboo brushes usually have flexible bristles that are less likely to break off. Plastic toothbrushes, on the other hand, may sometimes be too hard on your gums.

Therefore, think about changing to a bamboo toothbrush if you are looking for an ecologically friendly dental care solution.

The Problems of Plastic Toothbrushes

Plastic pollutes the land and oceans, and it takes centuries for it to break down. Despite not being made of single-use plastic, toothbrushes are still used often. Thus, it is not shocking that over 150 million toothbrushes are thrown away each month alone! 

Additionally, the tiny plastic bristles of plastic toothbrushes can break loose from the brush. They enter the waterways where they might be consumed by animals and enter the food chain. Managing these microplastics is an increasing worldwide issue.

Bamboo Toothbrush vs. Plastic Toothbrushes

Bamboo and plastic are the two main substances available when selecting a toothbrush. However, which is better? To help you in choosing the best toothbrush for your dental health, we examine the benefits and drawbacks of all of them below.

  • Made of renewable materials

Since bamboo brushes are composed of renewable materials, they are an environmentally friendly choice. Additionally, they are biodegradable, so when your toothbrush reaches the end of its useful life, you simply compost it.

  • Gentle on gums

Compared to plastic ones, they are often gentler, which is advantageous for people with sensitive gums.

  • They are a bit more expensive than plastic toothbrushes

Bamboo toothbrushes can cost more than plastic ones, though. Bamboo growers and other players in the production chain are typically paid fairly by brands that produce bamboo brushes. However, a lot of businesses are now offering bamboo charcoal toothbrushes at incredibly low prices.

An additional factor when using bamboo brushes is that improper storage may lead them to soak up too much moisture. To help it last longer, it is essential to keep your bamboo brush in your bathroom on a dry shelf. If not stored correctly, plastic toothbrushes can also preserve bacteria. Therefore, proper storage is also essential to these.

However, because plastic toothbrushes are not biodegradable and are composed of non-renewable materials, they are not environmentally friendly. In addition to harming the environment, they can occasionally be detrimental to our oral health. A plastic toothbrush’s bristles may begin to splinter after a while, causing damage to your teeth and gums. 

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